My neighbor called yesterday to see if Stella would like to come over and play with her daughter for a few hours. Hells ya! We chatted on the phone for a few minutes as I shoved Stella into her coat and boots as to not waste any time getting her down to her friend's house.
She offered to meet us half way and walk Stella back to her house.
"Sure, see you in about 30 seconds," I said.
When we met up, I was all smiles and thank you very much and keep her as long as you want.... when she said, "I just have to say, you are such a great mom. Always so happy and calm and together."
I turned around to see who else had joined us on the sidewalk because clearly she wasn't talking to me.
There was no one standing behind me, so I just gave an awkward laugh and said, "Thanks."
As I walked home doing my little happy dance. I wondered...
Am I really that good at hiding the crazy? Does that make me even more crazy? Should I be better about letting people in on the crazy? Or, should I just move to Hollywood and cash in on my obviously superior acting skills?
In Which I Say "Chairs" Way Too Much
2 months ago
That is awesome. I need a few lessons from you in acting cheerful and together!