I am wondering if a dog can have Pica? Isn't that the eating disorder where you eat non-food items? I know puppies are supposed to chew things, but I was thinking like shoes.
Caleb decided he wanted Atticus, the puppy, to sleep with him the other night. I wasn't sure about messing with the sleeping routine that was already working for us, where Atticus is down stairs locked behind many baby gates, but whatever.
Well, sometime in the wee hours Atticus showed up at my bedside and to prevent having to walk myself through the cold house, find the baby gates, let the pup out to do his tinkle I hoisted the now 25lb pup into my bed.
Fast forward about an hour. Atticus woke up doing that 'pups gonna puke' thing. I was already on high-alert for pukage because of my son's stomach issues early in the week. So I sprung from bed grabbed the pup and ran for the stairs. At this point I knew he was going to puke so I put him down and encouraged him to keep on running.
He stopped once and hacked up what in the wee hours in my half-stupor seemed like puppy bile. Awesome. Like I don't already have enough to do in the morning.
Anyways, we made it through the night and Atticus slept through until morning safe behind the gates. However, upon closer inspection, the 'bile' was not just 'bile'.
(yes, I left it until the morning because I just did not have it in me to care at that moment) It was in fact very large pieces of mulch, rocks, polly pocket's hot pants and some kind of material.
WTH. Rocks? Really?
This is a well fed dog. He is not out scrounging for food. Needless to say I have him under my watchful eye and I am not allowing him the spend too much time outside unattended where he can eat weird things.
I am hoping this is a strange puppy behavior that will pass.
Also, I must mention that my husband slept through all of this and was totally unaware of the dog's eating disorder issues.
In Which I Say "Chairs" Way Too Much
1 month ago
I like that he puked up some Polly Pocket pants. Maybe the rocks help him digest. Don't chickens do that -- eat rocks to help them grind up their food to aid digestion?