Yesterday we had a new roof put on our house. You remember Ike, way back when? Well, he made his way all the way up here to Ohio and brought some wicked winds with him. A large portion of our shingles were lifted during those winds.
A few months ago we got more wicked winds and lost a lot of shingles.
Hence, the need for the new roof.
I picked up the little guy from school and spent the whole ride home getting him pumped up about watching the roofers all day.
Big trucks and ladders and hammers, oh my! He is a huge fan of these things. I am forced to be Handy Manny on a daily basis.
We pulled up to the house and sure enough there was a big truck and lots of men with tools. Yay.
I have never been in a house while a new roof was being put on, so it came as quite a surprise when one of the first things the workers did was place giant plywood boards over all of the windows.
As the little guy and I stood watching the men with tools we were quickly quarantined from the outside world. Blacked-out.
The little guy looked at me and said, "Is dat awe? Dust duh wub?"
Poor kid, I had him so pumped and then that was all. Just the wood.
We did stand outside for awhile once they stopped chucking things off the roof and we watched. I hope that made up for his disappointment.
In Which I Say "Chairs" Way Too Much
2 months ago
Sounds a lot like my first sexual encounter.